Richard and Dorothy
One instance in which Fate took a hand was very interesting. A New
York widow, whose husband had left his large fortune entirely to her,
nursed definite ambitions for her son and daughter. Richard, she had
decided, should become a stock-raiser and farmer on the
several-thousand-acre ranch they owned in Texas. Dorothy should study
art in Paris.
But it so happened that Richard and Dorothy disliked the respective
vocations laid out for them, while each wanted to do the very thing the
other was being driven to do. Richard was small, dark, sensitive,
esthetic--and bent on being an artist. Dorothy, who was six feet in her
stockings, laughed at art and wanted to be a farmer.
But mother was obdurate and mother held the family purse. So, in the
spring of 1914, Dorothy was sent to Paris to study the art Richard
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