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How to Analyze People on Sight

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your work that it will be play. Being play, you will do it so happily
that you will get from it new strength each day.

Because you are doing what you were built to do, you will think of
countless improvements, inventions, ways of marketing them. This will
promote you over the others who are there only for the pay envelope; it
will raise your salary; it will eventually and inevitably take you to
the top.

A man we know aptly illustrates this point. He was a bookkeeper. He had
held the same position for twenty-three years and was getting $125 a
month. He had little leisure but used all he did have--evenings,
Saturday afternoons, Sundays and his ten-day vacations--making things.

In that time he had built furniture for his six-room house--every kind
of article for the kitchen, bathroom and porch. And into everything he
had put little improving touches such as are not manufactured in such
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