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How to Analyze People on Sight

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else. He does not do it especially gracefully like the Thoracic, nor
caressingly like the Alimentive, but intensely and in dead earnest. He
does not cut short the courtship like the Thoracic, nor extend it for
years like the Osseous, but marries as soon as the practical
requirements can be met.

The Alimentive is the most affectionate in love and the Thoracic the
most flirtatious, but the Muscular is the most positive.

The Fatal Handicap

The Muscular has more strong traits than any other type from the
marital point of view, but he has one weakness of such magnitude that it
often counterbalances them. His pugnacity causes him to give way
frequently to violent outbursts of anger. In them he says bitter things
that are almost impossible to forgive.
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