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How to Analyze People on Sight

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fifty who enthralls the youths of twenty-five is usually of the Thoracic

Refuses to Grow Old

This woman refuses to grow old, just as the Alimentive refuses to grow
up. She clings to her beauty as does no other type. She it is who
self-sacrificingly starves herself to retain her slenderness, who
massages and exercises and "cold-creams" herself hours a day before the
shrine of Eternal Youth. Her high color, "all her own," is a decided
asset in this direction.

This woman devotes as much attention to her grooming at sixty as the
Alimentive does at twenty. For this reason you may any day see two women
of forty together, one an Alimentive and the other a Thoracic--and take
the plump one to be several or many years older than the florid one.
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