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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Nevertheless, many a man prefers this creature of "a million moods" to
the staid and sedate girl of other types. So the Thoracic girl seldom
lacks for attention. She does not have as many intimate friends as the
fat girl, for she is less comforting, and comfort is one of the first
requisites of friendship. But she has a longer line of beaux dancing
attendance upon her, sending her flowers, candy and messages.

The Stunning Girl

Another reason why the Thoracic girl has more attention from men is
that she is the most smartly-gowned of all the types. The new, the
extreme, the "very latest" in women's clothes are first seen on the
Thoracic girl. She is the type men call "stunning."

Men prefer companions who appear well--whom other men admire. The
Thoracic woman demands the same of the men she goes about with, and for
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