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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Mates for Alimentives

Because of his amenability the Alimentive can marry almost any type
and be happy. But for fullest happiness, those who are predominantly
Alimentive--that is, those in whom the Alimentive type comes
first--should marry, as a first choice, those who are predominantly
Muscular. The Muscular shares the Alimentive's ambition to "get on in
the world" and at the same time adds to the union the practicality which
offsets the too easy-going, lackadaisical tendencies of the Alimentive.

The second choice for the predominantly Alimentive should be the one who
is predominantly Thoracic. These two types have much in common. The
brilliance and speed of the Thoracic keeps the Alimentive "looking to
his laurels," and thus tends to prevent the carelessness which is so
great a handicap to the predominantly Alimentive.

The third choice of the predominantly Alimentive may be one who is also
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