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How to Analyze People on Sight

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In other words, more than seventy per cent of American divorces are
granted because husbands and wives can not adapt themselves to each
other in the matter of how they shall spend their LEISURE hours.

"People who can not play together will not work together long," said
Elbert Hubbard. Human Analysis, which shows that each type tends
automatically to the doing of certain things in certain ways whenever
free to act, proves that this is just as literal as it sounds.

The only time we are free to act is during our leisure hours. All other
hours are mortgaged to earning a living--in the accomplishment of which
we often have very little outlet for natural trends. So it is only
"after hours" and "over Sundays" that the masses of mankind have an
opportunity to express their real natures.

Uncongenial Work Affects Marriage
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