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How to Analyze People on Sight

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No person achieves success or happiness when compelled to do what he
naturally dislikes to do. Since these likes and dislikes stay with him
to the grave, one of the biggest modern problems is that of helping men
and women to discover and to capitalize their inborn traits.

Enthusiasm and Self-Expression

Every individual does best those things which permit him to act in
accordance with his natural bents. This explains why we like best those
things we do best. It takes real enthusiasm to make a success of any
undertaking for nothing less than enthusiasm can turn on a full current.

We struggle from the cradle to the grave for self-expression and
everything that pushes us in a direction opposed to our natural
tendencies is done half-heartedly, inefficiently and disgruntledly.
These are the steps that lead straight to failure. Yet failure can be
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