Though the clumsy criminal may belong to any type, the cleverest crooks--those who defy detection for years--always have a large element of the Cerebral in their makeup. Big Brains in Little Jobs There are two kinds of work in the world--head work and hand work; mental and manual. If you can star in either, life guarantees you a good living. But if you are good at neither you are doomed to dependence. The Cerebral's physical frailty unfits him for the manual and unless he is school-or self-educated he becomes the sorriest of all human misfits. He falls between the two and leads a precarious existence working in the lighter indoor positions requiring the least mentality. If you will keep your eyes open you will many times note that the little waiter in the high class restaurant or hotel has a head very large for his body. Such men are much better read, have a far greater appreciation of art and
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