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How to Analyze People on Sight

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will tell you what he is." The Cerebral does not really live in his
house but in his head, and for that reason does not feel as great an
urge to decorate, amplify or even furnish the place in which he dwells.

Step into the room of any little-bodied large-headed man and you will be
struck by two facts--that he has fewer jimcracks and more journals lying
around than the rest of your friends.

In the room of the Alimentive you will find cushions, sofas and "eats;"
in that of the Thoracic you will find colorful, unusual things; the
Muscular will have durable, solid, plain things; the Osseous will have
fewer of everything but what he does have will be in order.

But the pure Cerebral's furnishings--if he is responsible for them--will
be an indifferent array, with no two pieces matching. Furthermore,
everything will be piled with newspapers, magazines, books and
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