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How to Analyze People on Sight

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and the Osseous often have an almost uncanny time-sense, but the extreme
Cerebral man often lacks it. Forgetting to wind his watch or to consult
it for hours when he does, is a familiar habit of this type.

We know a bride in Detroit whose flat looked out on a bakery and a
bookstore. She told us that she used to send her Cerebral hubby across
the street for the loaf of bread that was found lacking just as they
were ready to sit down to dinner--only to wait hours and then have him
come back with a book under his arm, no bread and no realization of how
long he had been gone.

Inclined to be Unorthodox

Other types tend to follow various religions--according to the
individual's upbringing--but the Cerebral composes a large percentage of
the unorthodox.
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