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How to Analyze People on Sight

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have seen, all the other types have decided preferences as to their
clothes--the Alimentive demands comfort, the Thoracic style, the
Muscular durability and the Osseous sameness--but the extreme Cerebral
type says "anything will do." So we often see him with a coat of one
color, trousers of another and a hat of another, with no gloves at all
and his tie missing.

Often Absent-Minded

We have always said people were "absent-minded" when their minds were
absent from what they were doing. This often applies to the Cerebral for
he is capable of greater concentration than other types; also he is so
frequently compelled to do things in which he has no interest that his
mind naturally wanders to the things he cares about.

A Cerebral professor whom we know sometimes appeared before his Harvard
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