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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Pitfalls for the Doer

On the other hand if you are content to do what other men dream about
and never have dreams of your own you will probably always have a berth
but will never have a million. You will exist but you will never know
what it is to live.

The Hungry Philosopher

The extreme Cerebral can sit on a park bench with an empty purse and
an empty stomach and get as much pleasure out of reflecting on the
"whichness of the what and the whitherness of the wherefore" as an
Alimentive gets out of a planked steak. Needless to say, each is an
enigma to the other. Yet most people imagine that because both are human
and both walk on their hind legs they are alike. They are no more alike
than a cow and a canary.
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