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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Likes Responsibility

Responsibility, if it does not entail too many different kinds of
thought and work, is enjoyed by the Osseous.

He can be given a task, a job, a position and he will attend to it.
Entrust him with a commission of any kind, from getting you a certain
kind of thread to discovering the North Pole, and he will come pretty
near carrying it out, if he undertakes it.

Finishes What He Starts

If an Osseous decides to do a piece of work for you you can go ahead and
forget all about it. No need to advise, urge, watch, inspire, coax and
cajole him to keep him at it. He prefers to keep at a thing if he starts
it himself. You may have to hurry him but you will not have to watch him
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