Agassiz, the great naturalist, when given the scale of a fish could
reconstruct for you the complete organism of the type of fish from which
it came. Give a tree-leaf to a botanist and he will reconstruct the
size, shape, structure and color of the tree back of it. He will
describe to you its native environment and its functions; what its bark,
blossoms and branches look like and what to do to make it grow.
No Guesswork in Nature
Nature has no accidents. With her everything is organized, everything
has a purpose, and every part of a thing, inside and out, matches the
whole. So the hand of the Osseous and the face of the Osseous match the
body and head.
This is also true of every other type. The Alimentive has small, fat,
dimpled hands and feet like his body; the Thoracic has tapering hands
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