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How to Analyze People on Sight

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The next time you go to a vaudeville show get there in time for the
acrobatics and notice how all the participants are Musculars. If there
are any other types taking part please observe that they are secondary
to the acrobats--they catch the handkerchiefs or otherwise act as foils
for the real performers.

All the hard work in the act will be done by Musculars. You will find no
better examples of the short, stocky, well-knit pure Muscular than here.
You do not need to wait for another show to realize how true this is.
Recall the form and height of all the acrobats you have ever seen. You
will remember that there was not one who did not fit the description of
the pure Muscular given at the beginning of this chapter.

Acrobats Always Muscular

We once had occasion to refer to this fact in a Human Analysis Class.
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