degree as the Muscular.
The finger ends, which are of the utmost significance in the creation of
artistic things, must be fitted with well developed muscles of extreme
efficiency or the execution will fall short of the ideal pictured in the
artist's mind.
The pure Muscular type seldom makes an artist, for, after all, inspired
brain work is the other important element in the creation of art, and
this is the forte of the fifth type. A combination of the fifth type
with the Muscular makes most hand artists. A combination of the Muscular
and Thoracic makes most singers. Every hand artist will be found to have
spatulate-fingered hands--in short, muscular hands.
The hand of the famous craftsman, pianist, sculptor and painter, instead
of being more frail and delicate, is always larger and heavier than that
of the average person. Such a hand is a certain indication of the
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