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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Has Proportionately Long Arms

The arms of pure Musculars are longer in proportion to the body than
the arms of other types. The arms of the Alimentive are short for his
body but the extreme Muscular's arms are always anywhere from slightly
longer to very much longer than his height would lead you to expect.

The Pure Muscular Head

A "square head" is the first thing you think of when you look at a
pure Muscular. His head has no such decided digressions from the normal
as the round head of the Alimentive or the kite-shaped head of the
Thoracic. It is not high for his body like the Thoracic's nor small for
his body like the Alimentive's, but is of average proportions.

[Illustration: 6 Typical MUSCULAR face Typical MUSCULAR hand]
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