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How to Analyze People on Sight

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The Newest in Hairdressing

The latest thing in coiffures is always known by the Thoracic woman.
And because she is, more often than any other type, a beautiful woman
she can wear her hair in almost any style and find it becoming.

So when puffs were the thing this type of woman not only wore puffs but
the most extreme and numerous puffs. When the "sticking-to-the-face"
style was in vogue she bought much bandoline and essayed the sleekest
and shiniest head of all. When the ear-bun raged she changed those same
paper-like curls over night into veritable young sofa cushions.

Always on "Dress Parade"

With intent to keep the spotlight on himself the Thoracic is always on
dress parade. He is vividly aware of himself; he knows what kind of
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