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How to Analyze People on Sight

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The man of unusual chest-expansion has one great physical asset. The
person who breathes deeply has a decided advantage over the man who
breathes deficiently. The lungs form the bellows or air-supply for the
body's engine, the heart, and with a deficient supply of air the heart
does deficient work. Efficient breathing is easy only to the man of
large lungs, and only the high chested have large lungs.

Long-Waisted People

A long waist is another thoracic sign, for it is a natural result of
the extra house-room required by the large lungs and heart. It is easily
detected in both men and women. (See Chart 3)

If you are a close observer you have noticed that some people appear to
have a waist line much lower than others; that the belt line dividing
the upper part of the body from the lower is proportionately much nearer
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