as was afterwards learned, was the chief place of that whole Province
of Itza. [These were the people who had withdrawn one hundred years
before from Yucatan, as has been said.] And it was possible to enter
this town only by means of boats."
They Capture an Indian. "The camp-scouts had by now reached the shore
of the Lake itself, and they brought to Cortes an Indian whom one Pedro
de Ayuda, one of the explorers, had taken from a canoe. Then Cortes
asked this captured Indian (as he did to all the rest) whether or not
the Spaniards or Bearded Men, like him and his men, had been through
that region or were still in it, as he had been given to understand was
the case.
"The Indian replied that in that town nothing was known of such men as
they. He added, that if they wished to go to the town, there were some
cultivated fields near the largest arm of the Lake where they could
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