[Footnote 9.7: A gloss reads "the devil excites their minds."]
[Footnote 9.8: A gloss reads "varias cosas que tratamos."]
Chapter X
[Footnote 10.1: This passage (Villagutierre, p. 315) is very important.
The question of the location of Dolores and of Lacandon, as well as
that of their identity, has long been a moot point. (Tozzer's
introduction to Marjil, 1912.) The main body of the Lacandones, as well
Chol-speaking as Maya-speaking, lies southwest of Lake Peten. (Cf.
Tozzer, 1907.) That fact accounts for Costello's location of Los
Dolores southwest of the lake. (Fancourt, 1854, map.) On the map of our
region in Hazius and Lowitz' Atlas of 1746 Lacandon and Los Dolores are
located northwest of the lake, whereas maps such as those of Bellin
(1764) and Brion de la Tour (1783) do not mention either, nor do they
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