[Footnote 8.2: A digest of the itinerary of the two trips of Avendano is given in Appendix IV.] Chapter IX [Footnote 9.1: The text of the cedula in question may be found at pp. 18v-22r in Avendano's MS.] [Footnote 9.2: The reader's attention is called here to Plates Ia and Ib, and also to Maler, 1908, p. 56 for a reproduction and translation of the map by Avendano.] [Footnote 9.3: This refers to the myth, shared alike by the Toltecs and Mayas, of the culture hero, Quetzalcoatl-Kulkulcan, who was to return to the land from across the ocean.] [Footnote 9.4: A gloss reads "Cajon con el huesso."]
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