There is a distinct possibility that Cocom Cat may eventually have got
to Tayasal. It is likewise entirely possible to believe that from him
descended that Cocom who, with Ahchatappol and Ahauppuc, came out from
Tayasal to meet Padres Fuensalida and Orbita in 1618. (Villagutierre,
p. 116.) Sapper (1904, p. 625) tells that a Juan Pablo Cocom became the
leader of an insurrection at Bacalar in May, 1848.]
[Footnote 6: Seler (1908, p. 157 ff.) says that the Casa de las Monjas,
the Akat tz'ib, and the Casa Colorada all belong to this period and
that they are to be associated with the various buildings at Uxmal,
Kabah, Labna, and elsewhere. Rain-god masks are a striking
characteristic of the architecture of this period.]
Chapter II
[Footnote 2.1: The question of nomenclature is a puzzling one. In
Appendix I will be found a number of the almost innumerable variations
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