one another by the touch; but such a thing did not come into our minds, but rather we understood that here was the room of welcome for all...." The Districts of Peten Itza. "I asked them how many districts that _Peten_ had on which we were, and counting by the fingers on their hands and the toes on their feet, they told me there were twenty-two, which they went on to describe by their names, and they are as follows: "Districts of Peten Ytza on which the King Ah Canek lives-- That of King Ahcanek That of Ach Cat Baca That of noh ah chata That of ach cat halach Vinic That of Ah tze tzin batab That of ach cat Mulcah That of the cacique nohche That of ach cat Kinchil That of ach chatan ek That of ach cat Kinchan
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