at the insistence of Ortega Montanes, the Viceroy Bishop, had been sent
to the court of Spain earlier in the year, bore fruit, for the King
sent new dispatches ordering Don Martin thus: acknowledgment was made
of the good work done by Sargento Mayor, Don Martin de Ursua y
Arizmendi, as well as of that done by Captain Alonso Garcia de Paredes,
Captain Joseph Fernandez de Estenoz, and others. Don Roque de Soberanis
y Centeno was ordered to give all possible assistance to Ursua and to
refrain from hindering him in any way. The cedulas were signed at Buen
Retiro on May 29, 1696. These dispatches, together with a commendatory
letter from the Conde de Adanero, President of the Council of the
Indies, arrived in Yucatan late in 1696. Fortunately Ursua had already
made all his preparations for the next campaign. Don Martin sent copies
of the cedulas and letter to the newly arrived Viceroy of Mexico, the
Conde de Moctezuma, to the Audience of Guatemala, and to the
Reverendissimo Don Fray Antonio de Arriaga, Bishop of Yucatan.
Before setting out there was one more formality to go through. Ursua
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