Meanwhile the new President of Guatemala, Escals, was taking all
possible precautions for the furtherance of the design. His division of
the expedition, of which Fray Agustin Cano was a part, left Guatemala
in January, 1696. There is no need to tell again what happened, as Cano
has already told us all up to a certain point.
Zuviaur Goes to the Lake. The early weeks of 1696, then, were spent by
Avendano and the men of Yucatan in Peten and in the wilderness between
it and Tipu, to which the Padres were enabled to flee by Canek, who
knew well the plots that were being hatched against them by Covoh and
by Canek's wife.
Shortly after Avendano reached Merida and made his report, Ursua
dispatched Captain Don Pedro de Zuviaur with seventy men, enough
Indians, and Padre Juan San Buenaventura to the lake by way of the
route so lately followed by Avendano. The Itzas received them armed for
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