squirrel down a low tree, with a _sapote_ in his little paws, and
giving two jumps in my presence, it showed its little teeth and went
away. I was not able to stir, but with a little stick which was at my
side, I drew this _sapote_ to me and ate it, for it was as ripe and
sweet as honey. The wonder is that in thousands of _sapotes_ which we
found in these forests, we did not come across a single good piece of
one; and here without there being a tree, that little animal brought a
ripe one. I knew then that God sent me that aid, like another Saint
Paul, although I was very far from imitating him in his virtues, but
rather that God might show his greater mercy to such a great sinner as
I. I gave him thanks with some tenderness for such a kindness, hoping
with more confidence now that I should not die of hunger. In doing this
and saying my prayers, I passed the whole day and night, awaiting every
moment the hour of dawn."
Rescued. "Much neglected by human aid (and even forgotten) was I, when
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