themselves as opposed to him, all the said men bursting out against him
with words of great anger and exceeding boldness; all this discord was
caused by the said Cacique Covoh, who had not yet gone to his own town.
I, who was paying attention to everything, seeing that all that great
crowd was already excited and not paying attention to one another,
since all were talking at the same time, rising by the side of the King
and standing in the midst of them, said to them with some anger and
effect:--'What is this? What disturbance and tumult is this, so
entirely without foundation? Is it by chance because you have made an
agreement with me to accept the friendship of the Spaniards and to
trade with them in peace and kindness? Well then, what dagger did I
press against your breast in order to make these friendships and to
agree upon this peace with you, other than the good-will with which you
have joined hands with me, knowing that already the time has come for
you and the Spaniards to eat together in one plate and to drink
together from one cup in token that you are our brothers? It is without
doubt because you have remembered at this moment that you Indians are
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