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without putting himself forward, took possession[9.7] anew of the heart
of that old cacique called Covoh, as he did with the heart of Judas. As
Covoh found himself among his enemies (as are the King and the larger
part of Peten) and seeing that that which his wicked heart intended was
contrary to the agreement made in his presence, therefore he, as did
the rest of the caciques and captains, said they were convinced;
notwithstanding what had been said, the said Cacique Covoh burst forth
in great anger in the following words:--'What matters it that the time
has come when we are to become Christians, if this slender point of my
flint lance has not been worn out?' To this I answered him with the
special favor and the special courage of God, 'You must know, Cacique
Covoh, that he who permits me to come and argue with you (who is the
true God of the Heavens) alone can give you this pleasure, if, for his
greater glory, he allows me to die; and if he does not allow it, in
vain do you show this arrogance of yours, since, just as there is a
time marked out and determined for you to become Christians, so also
are the times determined for me to die for love of him; and if it were
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