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Avendano Explains the Prophecies. "The said cacique pretended
ignorance, answering me that he did not understand these computations,
but I, in case what he said was true, in order that he might understand
them, explained them very minutely; and in order that he, if he did
understand them, should not twist their meaning (as they are accustomed
to do) with some of their superstitions, undertook with much pleasure
the work of sitting down at length with them, the King having come at
this time, (for he is the chief priest and master of them) with other
priests and leaders who were there, before all of whom I carried on the
said work, with the greatest pleasure and earnestness, so that there we
might discuss in the sight of all, how the time had already expired
(according to their prophets) in which they should begin to become
Christians. I also made a computation of these accounts (the King and
some of the priests aiding with their opinion) so that, confessing that
they were convinced, we agreed that four months thereafter was the time
wanting to fill out the said period when all the older men would
receive baptism.... And so (they said) that this was the reply which
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