his Apostolic Notary) passed to my mission with the blessing and
consent of the Prelate Superior; and the Padre Preacher, Fray Diego de
Echavarria, with a lay brother of the holy convent, all of whom united
in the love of God and in charity burning to rescue the souls of those
infidel and heathen Ytzaes from the power of Satan in which, through
their idolatry, they were plunged for so many centuries."
The Same Route Followed as Before; Batcab is Reached. "We went through
the same ways and places as the first time, till we came to a town of
the nation of the Cehaches, called Batcab, in which we met General
Alonso Garcia de Paredes, with a captain called Don Pedro Zuviaur, an
engineer or guide who was going in the direction in which they were
opening the road from this province to that of Guatemala."
Chuntuci. "The next day, which was that of the Holy Kings, on January
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