safely into the houses in order to steal as much as the poor Indians
have in their houses, as happened in the preceding case that I refer to
above. We all inferred that all this was with the permission of the
said Captain, since, seeing the feelings, which we showed at his not
having kept his promise to us, given at the conference which we had
had, not only did he not punish the transgressors, but neither did he
make amends for the casualties which might necessarily have happened,
it being the fact that we suggested the remedy in both cases, and he
appeased us with kind words...."
Chunpich is Reached. "After this unfortunate engagement the whole camp
went along to the said town of Chunpich, distant eight long leagues
from this town of Tzucthok, and the Captains, addressing me, asked me
to stay with my companions to look after those Indians and children,
besides some sick Indians, educating them and instructing them as I
ought; and if by chance they should find a town, they would notify me,
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