very high ridge in a westerly direction from this rancho. At more than half a league off is found the _aguada_ from which the thirsty satisfy their need. A league and a half from this _rancho_ towards the South (we follow this direction) is found another permanent river with an artificial bridge, which cannot be passed in any other way. All the roads are very much overflowed on account of the many ridges which surround them. They call this river Yochalek." Deserted Village of Temchay. "From this place to an old deserted town called Temchay is three leagues. It has its _aguada_, but it does not contain water except in the rainy season. We suffered great thirst, because we had come with the hope that we should satisfy our needs there, and we did not find anything but hard work enough, in repeating our day's march, and in the fact that the hills were rough with many ups and downs, and with more footprints of mountain Indians, who passed by there, although these footprints were not recent."
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