as his fidelity to His Majesty developed, he disposed of his services
so that at one and the same time to drive out some Englishmen (as he
did with glory enough of his own) who inhabited the lands of Zacatone,
adjoining this province, and who lived there on account of their large
profits in logwood. He gave the assistance needed for this duty to
Captain Bernardo de Lizarraga, and he executed it with double
victories; and then, not sparing the ploughing of the foaming waves, he
made four captures in his first victory, in order to gain his second.
As a skillful man he went with all his men into the wild woods of
pathless thickets, where, though with great risk, falling upon the
enemy in the rear, he made his second attack, again gaining as spoils
of his second victory, other prizes, and driving out from there the
said English enemies. I speak no more of this, as it does not belong in
this place."
The Start. "Therefore in prosecution of the aforesaid trip, I started
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