present time could not be given without a great deal of confusion on
account of the strange character of the events."
The Route Followed by Cano. "The President [Barrios] ... finally
determined to enter by way of Chiapas, and that I should go by way of
Vera Paz with Captain Juan Diaz de Velasco and seventy men as an escort
to the priests. Accordingly, in the month of March, of the said year
'95, we started from the town of Cahabon, which is the last town of
Vera Paz; seven priests of my order, and we entered by very rough paths
into the highlands of the Chol, where we found many Indians, some
baptized, others heathen, and the more we penetrated those highlands,
the more numerous did we find the families in their hamlets, without
the form of towns. We told all these people that the object of our
journey was to search for them so that they should come together in
towns in such a way that we should be able to come and live with them
in order to teach them the law of God and to administer the holy
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