The Padres Camp beside Lake Peten. "They encamped on the Shore of the
Lake and there built a very capacious Ranch in which they set up an
altar in order to say Mass. Then they sent off a very important Indian
of Tipu (who later was Cacique) with some others who were in his
company, with orders to say to the Canek that the Religious were there,
and to hand over to him a present of the trifles that had been given
them in Merida for this purpose and also a little _Cacao_ from Tipu,
which was very fine (and is so even today), and a very good _hanger_
(cutlass). They warned the messenger also to tell the Canek to send
them good Canoes for them to cross to his Island, and some of his Chief
men who should take them thither.
"The Important Indian, Don Gaspar Cetza (for so he was named), set
forth for the Island with the others who were going with him. And when
eight days had been spent in waiting (which caused the Padres anxiety)
Don Gaspar returned, accompanied by the Captains Ahchatappol and
Ahauppuc, who had been in the Village of Tipu, and by other Itzaex
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