Arrival at Tipu. We will now continue by translating Villagutierre.
(Lib. ii, cap. 2 ff.)
"The Alcaldes, Caziques and Chief Men of Tipu learned before their
arrival that the Padres were coming to their Village, and they set
forth with their Canoes to go more than two leagues down the River to
receive them with Refreshments in Food and a Drink called _Zaca_, which
they make of Cacao and Maize. They saluted the Padres with much
contentment and joy, and they returned with them to the Landing place,
a stone's throw from the Village, and there they had prepared Dances
according to their usage, and to the accompaniment of these and much
rejoicing, they took the Padres to the Church, where they offered up to
God their thanks for having permitted them to arrive safely at that
Village on the outskirts of Christendom and the Plaza de Armas of
valiant Spirits."
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