Their Route. "But nevertheless, and confiding only in God, they
continued their journey accompanied by some Indian Singers and
Sacristans who were at the Convent and whom God moved to offer
themselves as companions, although they knew the perils of the journey,
and thus they went alone, without human defense, to place themselves in
the hands of those Barbarous Caribes,[5.4] of whom it was known for
certain that they ate human Flesh; but they placed all fear behind
"And the Padres, seeing that they had with them those who would aid
them to celebrate the Divine Services solemnly, traveled very
contentedly. They arrived at Calotmul, five leagues from the Convent.
And on leaving this Village, they traversed the Sierra to the Village
of Chunhuhub, which is another fifteen leagues of deserted country full
of swamps and marshes very difficult to cross. From there they
journeyed to Pacha, another fifteen leagues of deserted country, with
roads even worse than those before on account of their very swampy
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