their Lake, and especially at the City or Great Village of Tayassal
which was situated on the Peten or Island in the Lake; because of which
nothing molested them nor was it possible even to pass near their
Confines. And although the Governors of the Province of Yucatan
regretted this extremely, yet they did not venture to make war upon
them because the King had prohibited it by his orders and Royal
Cedulas, as has been said elsewhere."
The Mock Embassy from Tayasal. "In the year 1614, while Don Antonio de
Figueroa was governing those Provinces of Yucatan, some of the Itzaex
came to the City of Merida, feigning an embassy (?) in order to cover
other and more private ends. Or perhaps because it seemed to them that
they could thereby make derision or sport of the Spaniards, they gave
out that they had come voluntarily to render obedience to His Majesty,
and in his Name to the Governor of those Provinces, saying that their
King and Lord, Canek, and all his Vassals, were desirous of the
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