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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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used for making bread, etc. The ordinary coarse wholemeals are apt to
produce intestinal irritation.

_Cracked wheat_, soaked overnight in water and boiled for a couple of
hours, is a favourite prescription of American writers for habitual
constipation. It may be obtained at most large "Food-Reform" stores.

_Bran Tea._

Nervous or anaemic persons will derive great benefit from a course of
bran tea. It is made as follows:--To every cup of bran allow 2 cups
distilled water. Well wash the bran in cold water; it is generally full
of dust. Put in a saucepan with the cold distilled water, cover tightly,
and boil for thirty minutes. Strain, and flavour with sugar and lemon
juice to taste. Take a teacupful night and morning.

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