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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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The common garden thyme, used for flavouring, is credited with many
virtues. It is said to inspire courage and enliven the spirits, and for
this reason should be taken by melancholy persons. It is good against
nervous headache, flatulence, and hysterical affections. It is


The walnut has been called vegetable arsenic because of its curative
value in eczema. An oil obtained from the kernel has been found of great
service when applied externally in cases of skin diseases. The leaves
of the walnut tree are also used for the same purpose, both externally
and internally. One ounce of the leaves to 12 tablespoonfuls of boiling
water make a tea, half a tea-cup of which may be taken several times a
day. The affected parts should also be washed with it.

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