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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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it is such a highly-concentrated food that, unless taken in very small
quantities, it is liable to upset weak digestions. I suspect the secret
to lie in the chewing. Almost any kind of nut will cure the habitual
indigestion induced by "bolting" the food, if only it be chewed until it
is liquid. Hard biscuits will do instead of nuts, although an uncooked
food like the nut is the better. But whatever is taken must be
"Fletcherised," that is, chewed and chewed and chewed until it is all
reduced to liquid.

Pea nuts contain a good deal of oil, and for this reason are recommended
for consumptives. They are the cheapest nuts to buy, for the reason that
they are not really nuts but beans.


Pine-apple juice is the specific for diphtheria. This seems to have
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