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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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without its skin. In an old recipe book I found the following tribute to
Bergamot pears. The writer says: "I had for some years been afflicted
with the usual symptoms of the stone in the bladder, when meeting with
Dr. Lobb's "Treatise of Dissolvents for the Stone and Gravel," I was
induced on his recommendation to try Bergamot pears, a dozen or more
every day with the rind, when in less than a week I observed a large red
flake in my urine, which, on a slight touch, crumbled into the finest
powder, and this was the same for several succeeding days. It is ten
years since I made the experiment, and I have been quite free from any
complaints of that nature ever since. The pears were of the small sort
and full of knots."

_Pea Nut._

The pea nut--or monkey nut--is especially recommended as a cure for
indigestion. I have not been able to find out why. As a matter of fact
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