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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses

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bottles and casks by grape juice when it is undergoing fermentation in
the process of becoming wine, is often used as a medicine. It has been
cited as an infallible specific in cases of smallpox, but I do not
recommend its use, as it probably gets contaminated with other
substances during the process of manufacture. In any case its value
cannot be compared with the fresh, ripe fruit. I have little doubt but
that an exclusive diet of grapes, combined with warmth, proper bathing,
and the absence of drugs, would suffice to cure the most malignant case
of smallpox.

Sufferers from malaria may use grapes with great benefit. For this
purpose the grapes, with the skins and stones, should be well pounded in
a mortar and allowed to stand for three hours. The juice should then be
strained off and taken. Or persons with good teeth may eat the grapes,
including the skins and stones, if they thoroughly macerate the latter.

In the absence of fresh grapes raisin-tea is a restoring and nourishing
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