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has told me of the rare abilities and subtle intellect you possess, and,
above all, that you are a great poet."

"A poet, it may be," replied Don Lorenzo, "but a great one, by no means.
It is true that I am somewhat given to poetry and to reading good poets,
but not so much so as to justify the title of 'great' which my father
gives me."

"I do not dislike that modesty," said Don Quixote; "for there is no poet
who is not conceited and does not think he is the best poet in the

"There is no rule without an exception," said Don Lorenzo; "there may be
some who are poets and yet do not think they are."

"Very few," said Don Quixote; "but tell me, what verses are those which
you have now in hand, and which your father tells me keep you somewhat
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