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The Secret Adversary

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organization. Most of the Peace propaganda during the war was originated
and financed by him. His spies are everywhere."

"A naturalized German?" asked Tommy.

"On the contrary, I have every reason to believe he is an Englishman. He
was pro-German, as he would have been pro-Boer. What he seeks to attain
we do not know--probably supreme power for himself, of a kind unique in
history. We have no clue as to his real personality. It is reported that
even his own followers are ignorant of it. Where we have come across his
tracks, he has always played a secondary part. Somebody else assumes
the chief role. But afterwards we always find that there has been some
nonentity, a servant or a clerk, who has remained in the background
unnoticed, and that the elusive Mr. Brown has escaped us once more."

"Oh!" Tuppence jumped. "I wonder----"

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