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The Secret Adversary

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voluntarily, and after some correspondence they had been accepted.
Having seen her name in the list of the saved from the Lusitania, the
staff of the hospital were naturally very surprised at her not arriving
to take up her billet, and at not hearing from her in any way.

"Well, every effort was made to trace the young lady--but all in vain.
We tracked her across Ireland, but nothing could be heard of her after
she set foot in England. No use was made of the draft treaty--as might
very easily have been done--and we therefore came to the conclusion that
Danvers had, after all, destroyed it. The war entered on another phase,
the diplomatic aspect changed accordingly, and the treaty was never
redrafted. Rumours as to its existence were emphatically denied. The
disappearance of Jane Finn was forgotten and the whole affair was lost
in oblivion."

Mr. Carter paused, and Tuppence broke in impatiently:

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