"You think I mind saying it, but I don't in the least! OURS, so there!"
"You darling!" cried Tommy, his arms tightly round her. "I was
determined to make you say it. I owe you something for the relentless
way you've squashed me whenever I've tried to be sentimental."
Tuppence raised her face to his. The taxi proceeded on its course round
the north side of Regent's Park.
"You haven't really proposed now," pointed out Tuppence. "Not what our
grandmothers would call a proposal. But after listening to a rotten one
like Julius's, I'm inclined to let you off."
"You won't be able to get out of marrying me, so don't you think it."
"What fun it will be," responded Tuppence. "Marriage is called all sorts
of things, a haven, and a refuge, and a crowning glory, and a state of
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