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The Secret Adversary

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have carried it through as you did. You were just wonderful!"

Jane shook her head.

"I don't feel wonderful. At heart I'm just tired and lonesome--and
longing for my own country."

"That brings me to something I wanted to say. I heard the Ambassador
telling you his wife hoped you would come to them at the Embassy right
away. That's good enough, but I've got another plan. Jane--I want you to
marry me! Don't get scared and say no at once. You can't love me right
away, of course, that's impossible. But I've loved you from the very
moment I set eyes on your photo--and now I've seen you I'm simply crazy
about you! If you'll only marry me, I won't worry you any--you shall
take your own time. Maybe you'll never come to love me, and if that's
the case I'll manage to set you free. But I want the right to look after
you, and take care of you."
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